Thursday, January 26, 2017

Baby Trees

Spring fever has set in. All this winter gloom has me in the mood for some spring. Taking care of house plants has always been a good way for me to relieve the winter blues. I recently purchased a little baby olive tree and a baby palm tree. Planting these little guys in large pots that they will grow into was my morning medicine today.

Since moving in to the new house, I have purchase quite a few house plants from a company called Hirt's Gardens on I was skeptical about ordering house plants online, but after I have seen their care in packing and the quality of their plants, I don't hesitate anymore. Ordering these tiny plants was super inexpensive, and I bought these large pots on a super sale at Ace Hardware (I think they were leftovers from last year).


Megan Hayne

1 comment:

  1. ...they are so I long for Spring! We are still covered in a blanket of white in the Northern Rockies.
