Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Flower Tour of Vancouver Washington

It is officially spring in Vancouver Washington. Here are some sights from my after lunch walk.


Megan Hayne

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Collaborative Marketing

“So we are in competition.” This statement dropped so quickly from the man sitting across the table from me as soon as I said I worked in marketing. Immediately I bristled, “I guess...If that's how you want it.” I quickly retorted. I instantly wished I had said something more thoughtful, but blamed my feeling of shock. I had come to the Freelancer's Union event expecting the same camaraderie I felt for everyone in that room.

I have met a lot of marketing professionals throughout my career, and never have felt that any one of us was in competition. In fact, I am always amazed by the fact that every marketer brings something unique. We marketers are real snowflakes.

Furthermore, some of the best marketing campaigns that I have seen lately, have come from collaboration. From Seth Godin being interviewed by fellow marketing professional Debbie Millman, to Jordan Watson and Aureta Thomollari setting the marketing trends in the art world, collaborative marketing is pure gold. Personally, some of the best work I have done has come from bouncing ideas around with friends and family.

Let's challenge ourselves in whatever profession we dwell, if we find ourselves feeling that someone is the competition, let's stop. Let's instead ask ourselves how we can collaborate. Imagine the impact we could make if we creatives all worked together!


Megan Hayne

Monday, March 20, 2017

Got My Thinking Shoes On

Today has been a day for me to focus on my creative work. Love these days. I have a shoes-off household. On days like today, a great pair of slippers is a must! I feel creative already.


Mega Hayne

Friday, March 17, 2017

Luxury marketing vs. guerrilla marketing? And what is luxury marketing anyway?

When I decided to start working as a freelance marketing professional, I decided to call my business Megan Hayne, Luxury Marketing and PR (“like” me on facebook, friends). There was a reason for this, and yes, it was because I had a bad experience. I was working a project for a very large company, and although it was a luxury product, my own beliefs around marketing felt out of place. This company was literally always having a sale and always passing out coupons. Getting many people through the door was their number one marketing priority. Did this result in sales? Sure, but it also resulted in people running out the door and embarrassment. Usually it was price shock that sent them running. This process was exhausting for someone like me. I love upfront price transparency from a business, and I absolutely hate wasting people's time. In a guerrilla marketing company culture like this, employees are taught to say anything just to get people through the door. There are many cases when these unsuspecting customers have no idea that they are in for the hard sell.

Luxury marketing can be different. It can come from the realization that not everyone is your perfect customer. Inherent in luxury marketing is the understanding that the more people know about your product before they walk through your door, the better. This doesn't mean that you have to paste your prices up on your door like a menu, feel free to sell the value of the product first and tailor the product to their needs. However, isn't it better for people to know the basic “ball park” pricing? If your product costs upward of $1000, you don't want someone walking in expecting it to be $100. Why waste a person's time when they can't afford $1000? Why waste your own? Luxury marketing is about telling your story and putting out content that is valuable and impactful. If you provide content with substance, it might reach someone on an intellectual, or better an emotional level. People might even want to share the content you are creating. In luxury marketing it is less about having a 50% off sale, and more about collaborating with another person in your space to write an interesting article about your profession. Luxury marketing is about showcasing your creative process and giving people insight into your world. It is about getting the “right” customers coming through your door. When they walk in your store or click your link, they may already know about your legacy, your passion, or even your opinions about life. These customers are the people that already think they might want to give you business.

Guerrilla marketing works best for necessity goods and mass markets, not luxuries. I love clipping coupons for my groceries. I am also willing to pay more for the fresh baked today baguette, and I don't expect that to be as inexpensive. I know there is a difference between a $5 necklace, and a $1500 necklace. When I walk into a fine jewelry store, I know what to expect. There is a time and place for that $5 necklace, but it is no fun for anyone if I walk into a diamond shop expecting that $5 piece. Luxury marketing is for me because I like to call a diamond shop a diamond shop. It saves everyone so much time and energy.

That Was Fast!

The plum branches have bloomed and they are beauties. It sure helps to brighten this dreary day.


Megan Hayne

Monday, March 13, 2017


We pruned our plum trees this weekend. It was a little sad to have to cut branches with little buds on them, but it is for the long-term health of the tree. I saved a couple of branches from the pile. They look elegant like this on the kitchen table, but I really hope they bloom! Will keep you posted.


Megan Hayne

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Starting Small

I finally did it!
I have been saying that I am going to grow an avocado tree from seed for ages.
It is a simple act in theory.
I have the instructions.
I don't know what took me so long.
None of that matters now.
A step in the right direction.


Megan Hayne

Friday, March 3, 2017

Tonight in Fashion

Going for the bold lips, no eye makeup look. Also, loving my new one piece swim suit, so I am going to wear it out tonight with jeans. Going to a play, so taking some artistic liberties with my outfit.


Megan Hayne

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Neon Green Pasta Delight

I have a confession to make. I kind of don't like green salads. I don't hate salads, but they are not usually something I want to eat. My husband eats way more salad than me. I believe in the health benefits of eating greens however, and greens can be pretty tasty when added to non-salad dishes. As an avid Pinterester, I am always looking for recipe ideas that allow me to eat more greens without having to choke down salads all the time. A while ago, I found a recipe for kale pesto which lead me to a giant 'aha' moment. I can just put my salad in the blender and pour it on pasta! Mix those greens with lemon, tons of garlic, and a little Parmesan and it is a win every time. The greens are still raw, so I get those health benefits. It is also quick. The meal takes me about 15 minutes to make. I can make a ton at a time, and it tastes good hot or cold. Win, win, win!!!

You know you are healthy when your food is naturally neon green. Am I right? There is a whole bag of salad in last night's dinner.


Megan Hayne